Did you know that 41% of all Americans make New Year’s resolutions and only about 9% keep them? Maybe it’s the resolutions? We compiled a list of fun, achievable resolutions you can actually keep and feel accomplished, proud, relaxed and grounded.
Insider Tip: you can get all of these done on one weekend getaway to San Juan Island, ha!
1. Take a Break
Take someone you love - your Sweetie, your best friend or your favorite relative – on a San Juan Island getaway in the quiet season. Hotels run amazing lodging specials, there are no lines for the ferry or to get into your favorite restaurant, you’ll have the beaches to yourself and the weather is – thanks to the Olympic Rain Shadow - quite nice. Eat good food, watch the sunset at the beach, read, stroll through a museum and be on island time. Celebrate love and life and be grateful.
2. Pamper yourself
It is just as important to get pampered as it is to exercise. Treat yourself to a massage or body treatment at the adorable Spa at Earthbox, to melt tension, release toxins and reduce stress. Be kind and gentle to your body. It’s the only one you have and you’ll live together for the rest of your life.
3. Keep it Real
So many of us spend our days in front of a computer, then play on our phones and then watch some TV. How real is that? A friend, who recently became single, told me of her goal to speak to one real person a day. Do you? Make it a habit to look somebody in the eye, smile, feel their presence and connect.
4. Learn something New
Ye olde Einstein once said: "Once you stop learning, you start dying". Learning new things keeps your brain active and defies aging. Learn something new this year without overwhelming yourself. Take a one-day glassblowing or cheese making class, go to that free talk at the Friday Harbor labs, spend a day at the Friday Harbor Whale Museum and learn about the resident Orca Whales, their habitat and challenges, stop at the Master Gardener’s booth at the Farmer’s Market. Stay curious.
5. Be in the Moment
Get out of your head. Stop going over that conversation with your sister over and over. Stop worrying about the future and things you can’t change. Try once a day to be present. Really see, hear the sounds around you, smell the air, feel your body touching the ground. When intrusive thoughts come, gently acknowledge them and go back to being here now.
6. Be Brave
Challenge yourself to something outside your comfort zone this year. Just once. Are you semi-horrified and also super tickled to kayak with the Orcas in the Salish Sea? Go zip-lining? Take a flight lesson? San Juan Island offers tons of fun things to do to stretch your boundaries a bit.
7. Use your Vacation Time
We Americans have less vacation time than any other developed nation in the world and we don’t take it. Make it your goal to use your vacation time this year. Give your body and mind the opportunity to reset. You’ll be a better employee, partner and person for it.
8. Volunteer
There are so many good causes needing our help and helping feels so good. No time? Join us on San Juan Island for the island-wide Earth Day Beach Clean-Up for three hours. Meet cool people, find strange treasures and be part of something bigger.
9. Tend to your Relationships
Keeping friendships alive over time and distance is challenging and social media only goes so far. When on your island getaway, sit in a café by the water and write postcards, stroll the Saturday Farmer’s Market for unique, island-made souvenirs or write a family newsletter towards the end of the year and send it to your close ones. Stay in touch.
10. Decorate
Commit random acts of art. Make a fairy garden on the beach, write love notes on stones and leave them in the yards in your street. Bring your beach treasures home and decorate your house with them. They’ll bring a smile on your face every time you walk by.